Saturday, November 1, 2014
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
New weightloss is going SLOW!
But first let me take a selfie...
Saturday, May 10, 2014
About 3.5 months out
Saturday, May 3, 2014
My hubby hates my new pants 😒
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Old Habits Die Hard
Sunday, April 20, 2014
Evil peeps
Friday, March 28, 2014
Why do WLS patients LIE?
I guess I am worried about people will think and in a way worried about if it will affect me getting a teaching job in my own town... Is that weird? I want to tell all the overweight people that I know that I did have surgery but I just can't seem to find the right moment to do it. For all of you out there that I did not tell right away, I'm sorry I just didn't know how.. I am seriously considering making little cards and just handing them to people when they ask me so they can just go to my blog and read ALL about it.
Am I Doomed? just ranting away...
Thursday, March 27, 2014
A little Bitter
8 weeks post OP
Thursday, March 20, 2014
7 weeks post OP
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Just a bad day
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
6 weeks postOP and 26.5 lbs down !
Another thing that is on my mind is that one of my dear BFFs is flying in from Georgia in May for us to do Bay to Breakers and I can bearly manage to walk for 2 miles without feeling very very weak :(. I know there is only one way to get to seven miles and that is to get out there and walk as much as I can. Yesterday I walked almost 2 miles and today I walked for about a half hour so I am off to a good start. I know my buddy want to run but I think I will be lucky to be able to brisk walk for 7 miles without dying! Anyway wish me luck. I promise to post a full body before picture and a current one soon I am just not so comfortable asking my hubby to take the current picture, last time for the before my mom was here so she did it :).
Saturday, March 8, 2014
Eating out ....
The next day was opening day for baseball and my hubby wanted to go out for breakfast... another kind of tradition. However, this time I told the waitress I was just going to eat whatever the kids and baby did not eat. So I ordered from the kids menu, so much smarter and less weird. I got the scrambled egg with cheese, two slices of bacon and half a waffle. I actually ate a bite of egg, a quarter to a half slice of bacon and two "squares" of the waffle, the rest the I let the baby play with and he made a mess and most of the food ended up on the floor.
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
5 weeks and 23.5 lbs down!
Sunday, March 2, 2014
Why did I have the surgery, you ask?
4.5 weeks postOP and down 21.5lbs.
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
4 weeks post op today!
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
My breakfast...

Yup, I'm bad and I know it..

Goldfish are the enemy!
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It is the little things...
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When I go to the store now, instead of buying myself a KitKat I buy myself something else. I have recently gotten a new lipstick, gloss, blush, and new razors(which I love for some reason!). Buying myself something that is not food really helps me feel better and it helps me not get upset because I can not eat. |
3 Weeks Post Op Today!!
Pureed Foods :/
Saturday, February 15, 2014
14lbs. DOWN
Liar, LIAR!
Whether to tell people of not is such a BIG issue for weight loss surgery patients. I have read a lot about it and it really is a personal choice when it comes down to it. I say follow your gut. I personally do not want to seem like a big fat liar, no pun intended, so I only told a few people but I figure when someone asks me directly I will tell them. The reason I did not tell everyone straight up from the beginning is because I did not want a bunch of negative energy being directed my way right as I am about to undergo a major surgery! I don't want to lie about it, however I lied about why I needed a week off of work... so I am kind of a liar, right?!
I have a close friend who lied about it and honestly it made it into a bigger deal than it really was. Everyone talked more smack knowing that she lied instead of that she did it. Eventually all the different stories about how she lost the weight started getting crossed because there were different versions going around our little town. I think she looks amazing and it is working for her so who cares right! So I am going to try to avoid that by just telling people the truth when they ask me how I lost this weight (this time). Or if someone asked me directly did you have weight loss surgery of course I will say yes.
It is complicated, I get that but for all the people out there trying to do it themselves and struggling I feel like I should tell the truth when asked because it just might convince them to go ahead and do it themselves or at least look into it. I also do not want to down play the people doing it the hard way because I did it the hard way a few times and it sucked. Do not get me wrong this is hard in a whole other way but I still feel like the extra help I get from not having a normal sized stomach and the help from the post-op (miserable) diet are cheating. Honestly, I am good with that. I have tried every quick fix pill, long fix system, exercise program on earth so what the he**.
Everybody secretly wants a little help or a little cheat... I know I did!
For all those people who look down upon weight loss surgery, OH WELL! It is a free country and you can have your own opinion. Just keep your negativity away from me. The way I see it is I only get one life to live and it is MINE. I wanted to do this so I did, no regrets.
Dressing rooms..
I have always hated dressing rooms since I was a child! Today, however, I think I'm starting to like myself again. At least a little bit ;)
Friday, February 14, 2014
Happy Valentine's Day
Well I cheated! I ate one of these even though it took me a long time. I know I shouldn't but holy cow I wanted one! I got so so many goodies from my sweet preschoolers too! It has been a rough two days!
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
Spaghetti Sauce for me
My family had spaghetti last night :(. I had spaghetti sauce but I must have had too much and I made myself sick again. I went for a walk and that helped the nauseated feeling a little. I spent the rest of the night in bed :(. I guess I have to measure out only one ounce of food when trying something new because being sick sucks!!!
Happy Birthday to me ;)
I had puréed chicken and spinach for dinner. Also for my birthday treat we all had sugar free chocolate pudding with whipped cream. I took the whipped cream off of mine and only had a tiny bite since I was over stuffed and feeling nasty from the chicken... real food makes me feel gross! Sigh...
Saturday, February 8, 2014
10lbs. DOWN!
I have been really struggling with my food addiction and head hunger the last few days so having some happy news really helps. And that is another reason that is evidence that I am an emotional eater, especially a stress eater! Now that the test is over and I feel some happiness the head hunger seems more manageable (at least today). I guess I am always looking for some sort of buzz or pleasure and when I do not get it from life I find it in food but not anymore!
So I bet some of you want to know what I am eating right so here goes...
Breakfast I had 1/2+ cup of cream of wheat made with fat free milk ( and two splendas )
Lunch I had 1/4 of cream of broccoli soup which I pureed in my baby bullet :) even though I am not on pureed foods yet... I figured some broccoli wouldn't kill me if it was pureed into soup.
I also ate another ritz cracker on the way to take my test (stress cracker)!!!
i have had 20 oz of crystal light and am currently working on another water bottle of it while I am at the library studying again. Man no time to celebrate the passing one test because we have to move on to the next one (which is on the 22nd) and also I have 1,000 word paper to write by tomorrow night. The library closes at 6 and then I have to decide what soupy mush I will eat for dinner tonight while my family eats real food (arghhh)!
I messed up...
Thursday, February 6, 2014
Made myself sick!!
I am having a MOMENT!
I also went through my skinny clothes to make myself feel better and that calmed my nerves a little. I have one more box of jeans under my bed but I can't get to it because it still hurts to bend in weird ways. I guess that is normal since I just had surgery a little over a week ago.... Pray for me!
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
Well I had surgery on the 29th and have not eaten anything since the 28th at 5:30 p.m. and no BM yet.. I took milk or mag this afternoon but just 20 ml which is less than the recommended dose. I also took one colase soft gel which made me feel yucky. I hope something happens soon! I have read some pretty scary stuff online about this issue.. YIKES
I would recommend taking TWO weeks off of work!
I thought my first day was going great but now at 6 and after a two hour staff meeting (3-5) I'm completely exhausted and everything hurts....
First Day Back at Work
I am 6 days post OP and I'm headed back to work this morning. Still taking dauladid * as needed for pain. I am a preschool teacher and only work from 8:30-12:15 so I should be fine. Wish me luck! I am feeling good now, it was nice getting back into the drop off routine with my three boys. :)
Monday, February 3, 2014
Full Liquids
OK this is my second day on full liquids and I am feeling much better. This is a tomato soup with a tablespoon of cream cheese melted into it. I also added garlic powder, salt, and pepper. It was so good I almost wished I could eat more than a couple ounces ;) but I can't and that's kind of amazing . I only finished a quarter of that tiny bowl and was FULL.!!!